What people say about Allan Dale Real Estate
I was a client of Allan Dale Real Estate (ADRE) from 2004 to 2021. Because ADRE gains a commercial advantage from this testimonial, I cannot, in good conscience, provide it to them at no cost. Nor can I, in good conscience, accept payment for this testimonial. So ADRE have agreed instead to make a contribution to the community. When I purchased my flat, ADRE were the strata managers. I was happy With them in that role, so I appointed them property managers, on and off When I was not living in my flat but renting it out. Very happy with them in that role, when it came time to sell the flat, I appointed them agent for the sale: their commission was a little higher than some agents, but I was happy to pay a bit extra to get what I had enjoyed over the previous sixteen years: a real, human-to-human relationship. In a world where we are increasingly and acceleratingly being Dehumanised, ADRE stands out as a business that treats people as people. This was immediately apparent, in their strata management, and Consistently from then on: including, I sensed, how they related with my Several tenants – and, I suppose, in their interactions with potential Purchasers, because I sold at a price significantly above expectations. ADRE seem to be against the current and intensifying grain, of a developing business culture which, I sense, treats people like idiots, tells Us what to do, coerces us into suiting their convenience, and tries Anything to rip us off: but neither do ADRE adopt the other extreme: “the customer is always right”. ADRE did the right thing, by disagreeing with me and advising against what I proposed, when they felt necessary to do so, and we resolved these matters by the essentially human quality of talking about them. Especially important to me because I am not online, ADRE cheerfully agreed to both pay me and accept my payments by Cheque. No doubt other real estate agents may also relate to people as people, but ADRE (and others, whoever they might be) stand out in a more general Sense. So, not only will I benefit indirectly from their community Contribution for this testimonial, as we all will, but also I am pleased to Encourage the kinds of conduct I’ve talked about above, generally, and so Benefit again. Jon S.
I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for sending those documents over so fast. Allan Dale has been an amazing rental agency, I can only highly recommend it. Many many thanks again,
Elena B.
Frank Mesiti has managed our property for many years and we can recommend him very highly. He has excellent people skills and is a great problem solver. We have found Frank’s proactive approach invaluable. If there is a repair or tenancy issue to solve, Frank will promptly respond with a sensible solution or often reply to say he’s done it already! Frank is the person to have on your team. We are very thankful he is on ours."
Marisa P.
I would like to highly recommend Frank Mesiti who has managed my apartment for the last 4 years and recently completed a new lease for 12 months, as the previous tenant vacated. Frank was onto the sitting tenant early to find out their intentions, which enable us to have plenty of time to source a replacement tenant. It is currently a difficult market to lease and I was concerned we would have down time, which with other commitments and a large loan on the property was a real concern for me. Frank worked hard in marketing the property and showing prospective tenants out of hours on weekdays and on the weekend to source a replacement tenant. Frank's ability to plan a strategy, and make sure that it was implemented accurately and quickly has contributed immensely to the success of leasing the unit. Not only did Frank limit the downtime, he in fact leased it 2 weeks early, as he coordinated an early exit of the sitting tenant. Franks ongoing assistance is greatly appreciated. His experience of the market, hard work, charisma and determination make him a real asset to me to manage my property, but I'm sure also your company, which is why I wanted to pass on this feedback.
James A.